INPRO datang lagi. Sebenarnya games nih dah mule sejak semalam lagi (Jumaat).Inpro @ inter-programme games ni actually acara tahunan untuk student2 intec. Ade banyak games yg wujud: basketball, netball, boling, futsal, bola tampaq, frisbee, chess, badminton, bla..bla..bla..Semalam aku join jugak ah budak2 ni main boling kat ole-ole..Memang mantap ah team mep main, baik laki, baik perempuan. Banyak jugak ah strike n spare. Akhirnya, team mep diisyhtiharkan juara untuk dua2 kategori. Bangga jugak la aku jadi student program mep nih..Abes ternganga budak2 program lain tgok kami menang. Hahaha. Yela, student2 mep ni kan selalunya dianggap team belasahan, pakai tudung labuh, baca doa nak main..Tapi kawan2 aku dah buktikan semalam yang tudung n baju labuh diorang tak menutup langsung pun skill n strategi yg diorang ade. Cayalah team boling! Hari ni, inpro terus jalan dgn member2 aku yg masuk futsal, badminton, bola tampar, chess, tunjuk taring diorang. Kat intec ni lah aku baru kenal game frisbee, aku ade try sekali main, hm..bez jugak ah..ala2 main ragbi, cuma bezanya pakai piring terbang leper yang ringan ( bukan UFO). The next day (esok), aku main basketball. Sebenarnya aku bukan power sgt pun, tapi Sir Ishak (lecturer biology aku) pernah cakap:
"You all kat sini 4 bulan je, so kalau bole, guna masa yg ade untuk join ape yg patut kat intec ni.."
Thank Sir. That's why ah aku kalau bole nak join je ape2 program kat intec ni, cari pengalamn n buat kenangan. Takdela aku asyik terperap dalam bilik, ngadap laptop, tengok movie, pegi kuliah time mentari belum nampak, balik bilik bila maghrib...Ish..takde life ah macam tuh...(pada aku la). Hidup biar bersederhana, time belajar, kita belajar betul2, time main ke, time gotong-royong untuk INPRO ke, kita join jugak... Hahaha. Memang gempak ah, ramai budak2 mep yg sanggup dtg, bagi support, sorak, cheer, sampai hilang suara (termasuklah aku yg mula nk sakit tekak nih). nampak ukhuwah student mep tu macam erat. Tambah lagi dgn lecturer2 yg datang bg support, siap pakai baju rasmi mep lagi. Paling sengit aku rase game bola tampar kot. Siap kena main 3 set, tapi alhamdulillah, mep menang, kalahkan team A-level. Anyway, sebenarnya budak2 mep ni ade banyak bakat yg tak terkalahkan! Tu belum tgok lagi diorang punya kreatif design formasi untuk kawad n tema perbarisan hari kemuncak nanti. Ok, tema team mep tahun ni: ALADIN. Nama pun middle east kan, so temanya pun ala2 arab la.. Lagi sekali kerjasama ditunjukkan. Tiap2 malam, kami berlatih kawad, bawak bendera, siapkan props, banner, dan benda yang paling susah kot, nak buat teko untuk si Aladin (tapi aku panggil cerek!). Aku rase hepi tgok diorang sungguh2 buat benda tu sume, gergaji kayu, lukis khat kat bendera, berlatih buat formasi n hakka sampai larut malam...Thumbs up for all of you la guys...For Malo, thanks sebab buat baju mep yg cantik..Kenangan seh untuk aku...Hopefully kita menang tahun ni, walaupun kita dok kat intec nih lebih kurang 4 bulan je, tapi harapnya team mep2010 terus 'mewangi' lah kat intec. Bittaufiq wannajah!!! Go!! Go!! Go!! MEP!!!
Baju MEP untuk INPRO
Logo MEP 2010
Uhibbu MEP katir-katir!
Recently my old school mate, Hakim a.k.a ustaz penguin text me:
“Salam. Naz, keluar sabtu ni nak? Ada pesta buku kat pkns, tapi aku tataw tempatnya, hehe. Ajak ramai2”
Yup, though we’re far apart, technology has brought us together. Connecting people. Then my mind approved a quote that I have heard numerous times:
“ Once you make friends with others, then the tie will last forever”
Or in the Holy Quran that we recite daily:
“ Innamal mukminuuna ikhwah, fa aSliHu baina akhawaikum”
That is what we called friendship or ukhuwwah that is constructed on the pillars of Islam. Perhaps I was in Shah Alam, Hakim in Kuala Kubu Bharu (Darul Quran), Naqib at UIA, Farahin, Sifoo, and Shafiqah at Puncak Alam, others in matriculation colleges, foundations, preparation programmes, and wherever my friends are, the connection of friendship has never end.
I wonder why??
Simple. Because we had shared the same experiences, laughs, tears, and five years of nostalgic life in our school and beloved hostel, (or for some of my friends, they assumed it as an isolated jail). Wahhh...Don’t make me start to make an essay about my hostel and school- lah...There are so much memories kept inside there. ..
The two blocks of hostel are completely strategic, located just a stone threw away from the surau, lovely futsal courts (hello, it’s tennis court actually...), and dining hall. And for several students who can’t withstand the ‘dictatorship’ that they lived under, they create and explore secrets passageways to ‘fly without wings’. Totally brilliant, huh? Talking about this ‘fly’ thing, I did once ( I forgot the exact times ). Yeah, It’s great to climb the school wall without being noticed by the guards and ustaz-ustaz who passed by. Trust me, it really requires skills and cooperation since we need to help the other members who can’t climb the wall by theirselves because of physical constraints.
Now let’s talk about the healthy diet prescribed to us. Honestly, I already missed the dewan makan, several dishes served there, and the talkative staff. If I’m not mistaken, there a type of dish so-called ‘ikan rebus with air asam’ that was hated by almost of my school mates. Served on Tuesday. Hahaha... If you meet someone in your way, this conversation is always happened.
‘Ea, makan ape harini, ha??’
‘Hm...Ikan rebus dengan air asam.’
‘Alamak..ikan mentah tu?’
And they changed their way to another venues instead of the dewan makan. Trust me, the boiled fish looked very similar to those that you could find at a wet market; the colour, the smell, and the physical appearance. Honestly, I also dislike that menu. However, I ate a little rather than left the food at all since my mom once taught me to appreciate food since we don’t know which food contains the barakah.
How about that ‘prep’ and stay-up thing?
It’s the time when the girls started their usual so-called meeting, discussing and gossiping about jewelleries, food, their favourite artists, bla...bla...
“ Wah, Cik Kiah, cantiknya baju awak..Beli dekat mana?? Penat aku cari kat Plaza *****. Tapi tak jumpa pun...Kain dia pun elok ha...”
“ Wah,hensemnya..dia ade buat album baru kan?? Ade poster dia tak?? Bagilah aku satu...”
Yucks! Annoying right?? Hahahaha...
We, the innocent boys, however, tried to focus on completing our homeworks and assumed taht tey were not there.
Late night. Staying up.We continued our study. However, there were a lot of challenges we need to face in order to finish the heapful homeworks. Arghh!!!
“Naz, tadi mak aku dtg bawak spaghetti. Datangla bilik aku. Cepat, nanti abes..”
“Ea, jom tok TV kat bawah??”
“Jom resume tgok movie kat laptop aku??”
“Malam ni ade meeting MPP. Ko tak tau ke??”
And sometimes I gave up..Hahahaha...Sweet memories...
“Do you think we will still be friends when we’re old? That we will still get the giggles and laughs till our bellies ache? Do you suppose that we will still talk for hours to each other other over coofee and tea? I do and Ihope we will be friends forever..”
(sent by Shera Bai’e via short message)
“Hanya zaman persekolahan yang mengajar kita erti pershabatan dan remaja, bila masa itu berlalu, nescaya ia takkan kembali lagi, masa ini jua kita membawa haluan masing-masing, mungkin sukar untuk kita semua bersatu kembali dalam satu tempat sekecil bilik darjah, belajar, bergurau, ke kantin bersama,, terbukti, zaman remaja adalah zaman remaja yang sukar dilupakan, mungkin suatu hari nanati kita akan menangis kerana rindukan zaman pelajar yang sangat indah, jadi jangan sesekali lupakan kenganagan kita...”
(sent by Adah via short message)